Project 2: Navigator
Different Views on Things Over Time

Augest 2019

In the process of social development, it is almost inevitable that the old ideas are replaced by the new ones. However, the undoubted acceptance of the new trends and ideas are not often reliable and thus hazardous.  Living in an environment that overemphasizes utilitarianism and efficiency, people are gradually deprived of the freedom of choice making and space of independent thinking. Yielding to the pressure of social conformity, many humans live like livestock in the pasture, undergoing changes so imperceptible that make them unaware of the state of being fed in the fashion of captive breeding.


Demonstrated by Tim Gold’s Wayfaring and movement theory and Walter Benja-min’s the arcades project ”...Just as faneur roams the city with no particu-lar purpose in mind other than to􀀁 indulge in the act of observing.” I created my own meshwork with Knots􀀁 and threads by explor the area of white city.

I Am a Roly Poly When Others Are Upright
Dimensions variable

Sketches of reflection Oil paint and gouache on paper
Dimensions: 200mm x 350 each

Draft of Video Costume
Fabric, charcoal
Dmensions: 200mm x 350mm

Views Changed over Time
Click here to watch

Accessory I, II, III and IIII
Dimensions variable

Caught in one’s own Wrap I
Dimensions variable

Caught in one’s Own Wrap II
Display variable

Fragile Dependency
Dimensions variable
