Project 4: Investigate

Energy Conveyance

November 2019

To some extent, the grease secreted by human daily metabolism can be viewed as a trace of life. When people come into inevitable contact with substances, especially skin-friendly materials in the surrounding environment, this physiological vestige of human metabolism will infiltrate and cover such items. This translucent substance will be weathered over time and gradually hardened, and eventually become a permanent token that tells stories of human activities and thus bear certain historical value. For instance, in Chinese culture, a jade collector would purposefully play with the jade by secretions produced in his hands to create a more warm and shiny protective film to cover it. More importantly, the transmission of human energy into the cherished unanimated objects is highly valued by the Chinese people because they embrace the faith “all things on earth have spirits.”

Latex, Foiil
Dimensions variable

Sample I
Latex, foil
Dimensions variable

Sample II
Latex, foil
Dimensions variable

Smaple III
Latex, foil
Dimensions variable

Purification I
Photograph, colour
Dimensions variable

Purification II
Photograph, colour
Dimensions variable

Sketches of illustration
Oil paint and gouache on paper
Dimensions: 100mm x 150mm/each

Trace I
Latex, wool
Dimensions variable

Trace II
Latex, film, wool
Dimensions variable

Mcrocosm of Behavior
Latex, plaster
Displayed: 300mm x 10mm x 300mm

Natural dyed recycled paper, film and various objects
Dimensions variable

Skin Healing Process
Wool, wax, metal
Displayed: 600mm x 100mm x 25mm

Macroscopic of Behaviour
Latex, plaster
Dimensions variable

Latex, wool
Displayed: 300mm x 150mm x 3mm

Silica, wool
Displayed: 200mm x 180mm x 50mm

Before Feeding
Silica, wool
Dimensions: 200mm x 200mm x 50mm

Feeding process
Silica, wool, water
Dimensions: 200mm x 200mm x 50mm

Skin Problem
Wax, tool paper
Displayed: 280mm x 150mm x 130mm

Sweater that Staed with me for a Long Time
Wax, wool
Displayed: 120mm x 120mm x 210mm

Wax, wool
Displayed: 30mm x 30mm x 140mm
